

White carbon black is the general term of white powder X-ray amorphous silicic acid and silicate products, mainly referring to precipitated silica, fumed silica and ultra-fine silica gel, as well as powder synthetic aluminum silicate and calcium silicate. White carbon black is a porous material, and its composition can be represented by SiO2 · nH2O, where nH2O exists in the form of surface hydroxyl groups. Soluble in caustic soda and hydrofluoric acid, insoluble in water, solvents, and acids (excluding hydrofluoric acid). High temperature resistance, non flammable, odorless, odorless, and excellent electrical insulation.



Appearance: White powder or granular or irregularly shaped blocks.

Density: approximately 2.0g/mL

High temperature resistance, non combustible, and good electrical insulation.


White carbon black can be divided into precipitated white carbon black and gas-phase white carbon black according to production methods. Under normal conditions, gas-phase white carbon black is a white amorphous flocculent semi transparent solid colloidal nanoparticle (particle size less than 100nm), non-toxic, and has a huge specific surface area. Gas phase white carbon black is entirely made of nano silica, with a product purity of up to 99% and a particle size of 10-20nm. However, the preparation process is complex and expensive; Precipitation white carbon black can be divided into traditional precipitation white carbon black and special precipitation white carbon black. The former refers to silicon dioxide produced with sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, CO2 and water glass as basic raw materials, and the latter refers to silicon dioxide produced with special methods such as high gravity technology, sol gel method, chemical crystal method, secondary crystallization method or reverse micellar micro lotion method. Precipitated silica is mainly used as a reinforcing agent for natural rubber and synthetic rubber, as well as a friction agent for toothpaste. Vapor phase silica is mainly used as reinforcing agent, coating and unsaturated resin thickener of silicone rubber, and ultra-fine silica gel and aerogel are mainly used as coating matting agent, thickener, plastic film opening agent, etc. As an environmentally friendly and high-performance additive, white carbon black is mainly used in the fields of rubber products (including high-temperature vulcanized silicone rubber), textiles, papermaking, pesticides, and food additives.


Rubber products

White carbon black is used in colored rubber products to replace carbon black for reinforcement, meeting the needs of white or semi transparent products. Silica also has super adhesion, tear resistance, heat resistance and aging resistance, so it can also replace part of carbon black in black rubber products to obtain high-quality rubber products, such as off-road tires, engineering tires, radial tires, etc.

Daily chemical products

Transparent colored and opaque toothpaste with white carbon black as filler and abrasive, which has good flexibility and dispersibility, smooth and soft paste, good abrasion resistance, and does not corrode the toothpaste tube body; It can maintain the stability of medicinal toothpaste. Especially with good compatibility with fluoride, it can avoid the disadvantage of insoluble salts produced by calcium salts as abrasives.

Cementing agent

Used in adhesives made of natural rubber or synthetic rubber, it provides thixotropy and reinforcement, while also improving adhesion due to its stretchability, making it high-quality and cost-effective.

Anti caking agent

White carbon black can be used in some products to improve free fluidity, such as grassland fertilizers, fungicides, grinding wheel abrasives, laundry bleaches, phenolic injection molding of urotropine, plastic products of phenols and urea, manufacturing of rubber sulfur and anti caking mixtures.

Paper filling

Using white carbon black as a paper filler can improve the ink resistance and mechanical strength of the paper, increase whiteness, and reduce unit weight. It can effectively achieve paper lightweighting, reduce production costs, and improve paper performance.

In addition, it can also be used in many industries such as fire agents, feed, cosmetics, extinction agents, pigments, paints, etc

Post time: Jul-05-2024